Deer Moon Astrology 4/14/2020


“Push your boundaries beyond the ordinary; be that “extra” in “extraordinary.”

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

There is a mysteriously powerful ability available today that may help to blend our inspiration with practical solutions, yielding important progress towards a broad array of goals. A Venus-Vesta conjunction can help to channel our creative energy and inspire the patient pursuit of complicated, long-term solutions. However, progress is especially unsteady and can easily be derailed by misunderstanding or incomplete information. This evening’s Mercury-Chiron conjunction could keep our heads in the clouds, leaving very little hope of making the important practical connections. Nonetheless, with diligence, today’s prospects are extraordinarily promising.

Life is changing on a core level, marking a huge, powerful turning point and a chance for inner transformation. Today, the sun in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn, and the Capricorn moon reaches final quarter while making aspects to Neptune, Pluto, and Jupiter. You’re being challenged now to take back your power in a situation where you’ve felt powerless.

This might not be an easy process, but it needn’t be a struggle either. Dig deeper for your integrity and individuality. Become aware of your own subconscious self-destructive or limiting patterns and you can step out of them. Step into your power and authenticity. Change always comes from inside out. This is a chance to become the force of change you seek.


Today is the 105th day of 2020
67 days until the Summer Solstice
65 days until Mercury Retrograde
261 days until 2021

Sun is in Aries
Moon is in Capricorn
Mercury is in Aries
Venus is in Gemini
Mars is in Aquarius
Jupiter is in Capricorn
Saturn is in Aquarius
Uranus is in Taurus
Neptune is in Pisces
Pluto is in Capricorn
Chiron is in Aries

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